I. Punctuality:

  1. School commences at 9:00 a.m. Teachers must report before 8:45 a.m.
  2. Teacher’s attendance will be recorded by the time recorder and register.

II. Duties:

  1. Morning field duty teachers must arrive before 8:40 a.m. and fulfil their responsibilities as per job specifications. Evening field duty teachers can leave only after ensuring all day scholars have departed for their respective activities.
  2. Teachers On Duty (T.O.D) must report before 8:00 a.m. and leave after 4:00 p.m.
  3. During assembly, teachers are to ensure students’ adherence to uniform and conduct rules, with no talking allowed.
  4. After assembly, class teachers are responsible for guiding students to and from classrooms, ensuring orderly conduct throughout the process.
  5. Teachers should maintain up-to-date corrections in red pen, with remarks and dates for each correction. Delays beyond three days may affect salary disbursement.
  6. The time recorder, daily assessment book, lesson plan, and teacher’s remark book must be regularly updated for supervision.

III. Syllabus:

  1. The syllabus, prepared by the school, should be completed on a terminal basis, with additional classes scheduled if necessary. Prior approval is required for extra classes.

IV. Question Papers:

  1. Standardized question papers must be submitted to the Examination In charge within stipulated timeframes, without sharing probable questions with students.

V. Invigilation:

  1. Invigilators must maintain strict vigilance during examinations, checking and signing all answer scripts and supplementary papers before submission.

VI. Correction & Tabulation:

  1. Answer scripts must be corrected diligently in red pen and marks submitted to the Examination In charge within three days of the examination.

VII. Discipline:

  1. Teachers are expected to uphold exemplary discipline standards, adhering to formal dress codes, speaking English on campus, and refraining from certain behaviors like drinking or smoking.
  2. Teachers should maintain professional decorum and refrain from negative speech or gossip about colleagues or the school.
  3. Leisure periods are designated for correction or lesson preparation, and teachers should utilize this time productively in the staff room.

VIII. Teachers Selection & Approval:

  1. Teachers are selected and approved by the School Management, with ongoing evaluation of positive attitude, dedication, teaching methodology, and result orientation.

IX. Punishment:

  1. Physical punishment is strictly prohibited, with disciplinary issues to be addressed verbally and escalated as necessary.

X. Public Relations:

  1. Teachers are to communicate regularly with parents regarding student performance, behavior, and attendance.
  2. Home visits for coaching or extracurricular activities are prohibited without prior consent and should be conducted within school premises.

XI. Tuition:

  1. Providing tuitions to school students is prohibited, with resignation required for those wishing to offer private tutoring.

XII. Extracurricular Activities:

  1. Extracurricular activities are integral to the curriculum and must be coordinated by designated staff members.

XIII. Lesson Plan:

  1. Lesson plans must be submitted weekly to the Principal or designated authority, with specific requirements for content and format outlined.

XIV. Language Spoken in the School Premises:

  1. English is the preferred language for communication in classrooms and school grounds.

XV. Visitor and Telephone Calls:

  1. Non-essential visitor and telephone calls during school hours are discouraged, with mobile phones to be set to silent mode during instructional time.

XVI. Leave, Holidays & Latecomers:

  1. Teachers are entitled to prescribed holidays and sick leave, with proper documentation required for absences.
  2. Punctuality is expected, with late arrivals subject to disciplinary action.

XVII. Salary:

  1. Salary structure is determined based on teaching level, with additional benefits for eligible staff members.

XVIII. Benefits:

  1. Teachers enjoy benefits such as free education for one child, bonuses, and health insurance after completing probation.

XIX. Provident Fund:

  1. A percentage of basic salary is deducted for provident fund, with matching contributions from the school.

XX. Professional Tax:

  1. Professional tax deductions are made monthly in accordance with government regulations.

XXI. Resignation and Termination of Services:

  1. Resignation notice must be given in writing, with terms outlined for notice period and service termination.

XXII. Amendments:

  1. The school reserves the right to amend rules and regulations as required, with timely communication to staff.

XXIII. Guidelines:

  1. Staff are expected to adhere to established guidelines, promoting a conducive learning environment and professional conduct.

XXIV. Performance:

  1. Performance evaluation is ongoing, with staff expected to maintain high standards and contribute positively to student outcomes.


Staff members acknowledge understanding and agreement to adhere to school rules and regulations, with consequences for non-compliance.